Thursday, 6 June 2013

My Location and the Dreaded Swim Test

I had my lifeguard swim test along with all the other lifeguards from the UK and Hong Kong at 6pm last night at Mickeys Retreat, which is an area for cast members and their families where theres a pool and tennis courts and a little beach etc. There were two lists, one had the names of the people in water parks, the other was the people in resorts, i was on the resort list, and we did everything second.

First we had an eye test, just like when you go to the opticians, i don't need glasses or anything so that was completely fine for me. Then the watermark lifeguards did their test. They all had to do the deep water test, regardless of whether they were a deep or shallow water guard. They had to swim 8 lengths of the pool (200 metres i think…), tread water for two minutes with their hands out of the water, then pick up a brick from 8 foot deep water.
Then we had to do the shallow water test, where we had to swim two lengths of the pool (50 metres?), then we had to pick up a brick from 5 foot deep water. Its safe to say we all passed, although a couple people struggled with the brick, but its disneys choice…

We then got told that we would have to do the test all over again when we start our proper Ellis training.
Then, the moment we had all been waiting for, we found out our locations!
You get a bit of paper with your schedule for the next few days, and the top right corner looks like this,

So my main resort will the Coronado Springs Resort! 

I have never stayed in any of the Disney resorts, but my roommate says it is one of her favourites so i am quite excited to start.
It also says AKL beside my area so I'm assuming that this means that i will also rotate between Coronado and the Animal Kingdom Lodge!

I officially start work on Friday with Traditions, then i have my recreation training on Sunday, then i start my lifeguard training on Monday and i am on my way to being Disneys newest qualified lifeguard!

(Pictures are not mine)

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