Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Arrival and the First Few Days.

I arrived in not so sunny Florida at about 4pm (9pm uk time) after travelling for about 11 hours, and having not slept for about 24! This was not so fun. But all my flights went fine, immigration wasn't as bad as i was expecting and we easily got a mears shuttle from the airport to Vista Way using the discount vouchers sent by Disney, so it only cost us $16.

Now, after travelling for hours and feeling horrendously jet lagged, of course the first thing they do is take your picture! This is for housing id's, and i found out that i was in Patterson Court.
Patterson is the newest of the apartment complexes, and in my opinion, the nicest. It was my second choice on dorms, but that was mainly because there is no bus stop, it shares the one at Chatham. But this was made out to be a 10 minute walk away, when really, it takes about 2 minutes. I also like how close it is to The Commons, and its within walking distance of the outlet mall, where we went for lunch in one of our breaks between hours of meetings at The Commons Clubhouse.

Most of our time so far has been spent either checking paperwork, filling in more paperwork, and learning what we can and can't do. Its pretty dire, but Disney try their best to make it bearable, and its quite nice not having anything too strenuous to do while you're still jet lagged.

So i arrived on Monday night, and heres a little summary of whats happened so far:

The dreaded Walmart trip. I was lucky that i managed to fit bedding in my case and i am SO glad i brought it! I went to walmart because i wanted food for the morning but i didn't really have to go, but i felt like a zombie the whole way round, it was horrible, but i did get a phone and hairdryer and things so it wasn't a wasted trip.

Im lucky that two of my roommates, Bex and Rachel are lifeguards too, and they were meeting another lifeguard, Curt, for breakfast, so i tagged along. We went to Applebees and i got french toast, it was amazing but i couldn't finish it, there was just so much! Then we had a drug test in one of the apartments at Vista Way where we met the rest of the lifeguards, and let me tell you, peeing in a cup is more stressful than you think! Then we all stuck together and went to The Commons where we had a passport check, then got lunch at the outlets, then went back for our housing welcome session. Then i had some time to myself and skyped my mum and sorted my phone and everything. Then we met up with the other lifeguards and some other people and went to the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney for tea! Its safe to say i slept well that night.

We had an early start at The Commons where we got told about the Disney Look and checked to see if we were sticking to it. Then we had hundreds of forms to fill out for social security stuff and we were told more about what would happen if we broke the law and why we shouldn't break the law! But we also got our times for Traditions, and mine is on Friday at 2pm, which is when we finally get our cast member id's (which let us into the parks for free!) and our name tags. Then we headed over to Vista Way where we killed some time while attached to our phones because of the wi-fi. Then we had our 'recruiting welcome' which is where most people found out there work locations, but we won't find out until after our swim test at 6pm tonight!

So its been a busy few days, and I'm so glad we have tomorrow off! Although i don't have any plans for it yet, but that might be a good thing!

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