Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Disney and exams!?

So my past few weeks have been great fun.
Its exam season. And luckily i only had two, but they were both pretty near the end of the exam period, and pretty spaced out, which at first sounds like a good thing, but once all your friends are out on their celebratory end of exam nights out, and you've only had your first one, it gets quite annoying.

I was a bit stupid. During my January exams, i pretty much did anything but study up until the very last moment, meaning one thing. Resits. In August. When i will be working in Disney.

Whats that you say? Its a shame ill have to self terminate and come home early? Before I even know what it'll be like?
Hopefully, not so much!

I found out through Yummy jobs that Disney offer proctoring (invigilation) services through Disney University. So i have spend the past few weeks, whilst on my study breaks of course, sending emails back and forth to my department at university, writing formal letters to try and find a way for it to be possible for me to sit my resit exams in Disney World. Its not been confirmed yet, but i think its looking positive, I've had the thumbs up from my department, i just need the final yes from the university and i should be good to go!

I know this probably sounds horrific to some people. Sitting exams and having to worry about studying whilst you're in the happiest place on earth. But really, i could do a lot worse that being able to study somewhere with a view like this.
(Not my photo)

Now i am two exams down, with my fingers crossed i won't get any more resits, and with 13 days to go!